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Conf for RAID 0 with Disk SSD


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I have two Samsung 850 EVO 250GB used in array as disk. I tried configure in my motherboard the RAID 0 to use both disks together but they are showed separatly. I think my motherboard makes by software the RAID 0 (called fake RAID I think).


I would like to know which is the best way to configure my home computer with unRaid OS 6.3.5 and my two SSD 250 GB. I want to get the best performance and to have got 500 GB.


Actually I have put both SSD in the array as disks. 


I know I will not be able to have security and my data could be losts but well, I will asume the risk (it is only a personal computer).

Thank you very much,

best regards,



PD: My motherboard is MSI Z270 Krait Gaming.



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