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Hanging at bzroot

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Background: My old 10TB unRAID 4.5.6 was hanging during use, and turned out to be a failing power supply, detailed here:

I built a brand-new 3-drive 16TB unRAID with my spare license, and backed up some, but not nearly all of data from the old unRAID to the new unRAID.
Then I got busy and just left the things alone for several weeks.  When I checked on them, I noticed the old unRAID was offline.
I rebooted it, but it wouldn't come back to idle.  I made a note to check it out some time.  I did that today.  It's hanging during boot while loading bzroot.

My questions:  I've read that if this gets corrupted, you can replace the file with a fresh copy.  But this is unRAID server version 4.5.6.  I don't even see version 4 available any more.  Is bzroot from the latest version compatible with my old v. 4.5.6 unRAID?

I've also read over the process of doing a clean install, and that looks doable, but I was hoping to back-up more data from the old unRAID to the new unRAID before doing that, just for safety's sake, thus the desire to get the old 4.5.6 alive again.  Alternatively, if v. 4.5.6 is still available for download somewhere, if anyone could point me to it, so I can grab the bzroot file, that should work.


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5 minutes ago, Printingdude said:

Is bzroot from the latest version compatible with my old v. 4.5.6 unRAID?




5 minutes ago, Printingdude said:

Alternatively, if v. 4.5.6 is still available for download somewhere, if anyone could point me to it, so I can grab the bzroot file, that should work.


You can email LT and ask for that release or you can upgrade it to v6

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I found a backup copy of my unRAID 4.5.6 download and copied bzroot over, but still got hanging anywhere in the boot sequence.

I started digging further into my server, and discovered the last time I was into it, taking it apart, I apparently neglected to put all the screws into the motherboard, so the mobo could sort of flop around a bit.  I think there was like one screw in it.  I'm of the opinion that I borked my mobo in some important way.  It's a Biostar A760 GM2+, and I happen to have a nearly identical TA760 GM2+ in another system.  So I swapped that over.  Even worse now, I think I borked up the USB lines and I think I fried my USB stick.  It no longer mounts or lights up its internal LED when I plug it into otherwise working computers.

[EDIT:  I definitely had the USB header plugged in backwards, that my unRAID stick was in.  I had the ground pin of the USB header plugged into the V+ jumper, and so forth.  I'm pretty sure my Kingston unRAID USB stick is now dead.  I have now completely removed the USB header that I was using inside the computer for the USB stick.]


[ANOTHER EDIT:  When I was replacing the bzroot file, I made a backup of my (version 4.5.6) unRAID USB stick.  In theory if I transfer my Pro license to a different USB stick, I should be able to just copy over the backed-up files, and try that, yes?]


[ONE MORE EDIT:  Since I already built a new 16TB unRAID that is up and working fine, would it seem reasonable to just pull the drives from my old unRAID and use a SATA to USB gadget to one-by-one hook a drive up to a PC and use DiskInternals reader to copy data to my new unRAID?  Then I could pursue getting my old unRAID working at a later date, or upgrade it with a Clean install to the latest version, etc.?  This appeals to me, if this would work.]


—And thus I'll hold off on the following until I try that, but otherwise, I believe I should be able to also try this:

If my understandings of everything is right, my next steps should be:

1. Make sure the USB wiring to the TA760 GM2+ motherboard is correct.

2. Go for clean install of current version, using a new USB stick. 

Question: What is the process for moving my license to a new stick?


-Given this info, does that seem like the correct path to getting my old unRAID alive again?


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2 hours ago, Printingdude said:

Since I already built a new 16TB unRAID that is up and working fine, would it seem reasonable to just pull the drives from my old unRAID and use a SATA to USB gadget to one-by-one hook a drive up to a PC and use DiskInternals reader to copy data to my new unRAID?


Use the unassigned devices plugin instead.


2 hours ago, Printingdude said:

Question: What is the process for moving my license to a new stick?


Copy the old license to a new flashdrive with v6 and there will be an option to replace it.

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  • 2 months later...
7 minutes ago, Camel said:

I didn't know that it would be outside of the forum.

It's not outside the forum, but the forum search is useless, so always best to use google, usually just add unraid to your search term, though in this case you don't even need to do that to get the right result as number 1.

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