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Crackling sound in VM (via HDMI)


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Hi all,


First I like to point out I am totally new to Unraid but have played with ubuntu before, yet I am no expert.


I have an Unraid box (tyan s7012 with 2x X5660 and 144GB RAM) where I would like to create some VM's among them a Windows 10 for games.

I succeeded in creating a VM where I got quite good performance on the graphics part, the sound part - not so much.


After trawling the internet (thanks to all who have posted solutions in this forum, and Spaceinvader 1 on youtube, all have helped alot)


I spend a few weeks to get my old GTX 560 TI to work but I could not even install windows, until I read somewhere that it is only from the 600 series and up. Ok that made sense, I then plugged in my GTX 1060 and what do you know, it worked the first time.


But then I got to the sound problem.


Tried solutions:

BIOS "seaBIOS" vs OVMF - OVMF only gices a black screen, so SeaBIOS it is!

Hyper-V on/off - no difference

fix sound quality to CD-sound - no difference

change settings in regedit to MSI (Message Signaling Interupt) - no difference

change settings in regedit to MSI for both entries of the graphics card - one difference, windows never got picture back and had to delete the VM and start over.


I also noticed a strange behavior where I ain't sure if it is an Unraid issue or a local issue (read my motherboard/CPU). But if I choose to use cores 8-11 AND 20-23 it takes more than 15 minutes to post in the VM. But if I choose 8-11 OR 20-23 it post right away. But it is a thread in another category. ;)


If anyone out there has an idea where I miss a piece of the puzzle, or where I forgot a setting please tell me, as I am growing more and more desperate.


Kind regards


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