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New builds section


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Very Nice.


I'm almost wondering if we should have a separate forum for pimp'ing and system layout.

I love this thread and what we do with it. But it's long and when I want to refer back to some posts.. whooooo...


hahaha. Almost feel like it's a car club show off or something!  heh.. Thanks everyone! I love the participation.





I second the idea of opening a separate forum section for unRAID builds, where each person can open a new topic for his rig and thus the comments will be related to that rig only.


This will make going over the rigs easier and finding all the related information easier as well.


It will also allow the person operning the thread to update his original post if he updates the original rig (adds or changes hardware/drives/cabling etc...)


Just think how this thread will look in a year... too long and much less useful.


I would also suggest moving this thread there as well and maybe locking it?


Who can do this?


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We already have the Hardware section for potential new builds. How about a Gallery forum for pimping existing ones?


The hardware section is mostly for hardware questions though, isn't it?


If not then maybe each new build should be in a new thread starting "New/Updated Build ..." ?


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