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New UPS Configuration - APC SN1000


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So I just bought this UPS (APC SN1000).  It has a serial connection, and came with a USB-serial adapter bundled in the box.


I've been trying to configure it with unmenu.  (I'm using the USB-serial adapter bundled in the box)  I just updated to the new version of unmenu (wow, look at all the new stuff! ;D), and tried setting the USE SERIAL PORT to YES instead of NO.  Neither way worked.


Therefore, my question is: is that USB-serial adapter provided in the box supported in unraid?  If it is, how would I configure it?  If not, would I be best to just get one of these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812200515? (my motherboard has a serial header)

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Thanks for the quick and simple answer!  I guess I'll be grabbing one of those serial headers.


Edit: Grabbed one of those serial headers and set USE SERIAL PORT to YES.  And that's all the configuration necessary.  I like this new version of unmenu with built-in configuration options! ;D

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