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Call Traces


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Disk4 needs to be replaced, it's causing a lot of ATA errors which ended up crashing the SAS controller:



  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   080   080   036    Pre-fail  Always       -       26720
187 Reported_Uncorrect      0x0032   001   001   000    Old_age   Always       -       202
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0012   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       24
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       24

P.S. at some point in the past the disk reached 63C, way too hot!




194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0022   024   063   000    Old_age   Always       -       24 (0 14 0 0 0)



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so i was trying to use unbalance to move all the files off and noticed that at some point the time stopped going down. i noticed that now there was a red X next to disk4 (This is a seagate 3TB). I actually just got a new wd 8TB and it precleared ok. So i stopped the array (I may have rebooted, can't remember), took the seagate disk out of the array and it shows up in unassigned drives, put the wd in it's place disk4 of the array and restarted building the drive. I wake up this morning and now there is a red X next to disk4 which is the new wd drive and log says there are write errors.


i'm not sure what to do next... should i retry building the wd drive in disk4? not sure how to do that.


attaching the latest diagnostic file. 


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hmm. I powered down, checked the cables (haven't replaced any yet), powered back on. for array disk4 if I choose:

- no disk - red X,

- the WD, there is a red X, (maybe this one is bad too? it was an amzn warehouse deal and came in a static bag and brown amzn box)

- but if I choose the original seagate it's now a blue square. I think this is "new device" and can't use it bc a) it has my original data, b) unraid is saying I can't use this anymore bc "Replacement disk is too small."


i stopped here as I don't know what to try next.  here's the diag now. can i try plugging the hdd cables into a different sata port on the mobo or will the mess something up?



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1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:

Start the array with disk4 unassigned, stop the array, re-assign new disk to disk4 slot, start the array to begin rebuilding.


so just tried the rebuild and got the red X again. It looks like the same problem. attaching the latest diag. 


I'll try a new sata cable later today.  should i physically remove the original seagate? anything else to try? 


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Sorry, my bad for not looking at the diags more carefully before, you are using the new disk on the Marvell controller on your Asrock board, don't as they are a known problem on those boards and will keep dropping disks, never use the first 4 white SATA ports.


The BD-Drive might be OK there, but best move it also just in case.



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1 hour ago, johnnie.black said:

Sorry, my bad for not looking at the diags more carefully before, you are using the new disk on the Marvell controller on your Asrock board, don't as they are a known problem on those boards and will keep dropping disks, never use the first 4 white SATA ports.


The BD-Drive might be OK there, but best move it also just in case.



Oh! So it's best not to put any [sized] hdd on those sata ports? Not near my keyboard but I may have drives on there since I got this Mobo. 



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okie... so i moved the ssd and hdd's off of the marvel controller. got the system back up. removed the seagate disk4. put in the wd 8tb as disk4. the system rebuilt the drive and all was good. I converted one of my drives from reiserFS to xfs.  i did this all on 6.3.5. 


then this morning  i upgraded to 6.4.0 and now my system seems a bit wonky again. plex isn't working right. sluggishness in the UI. i see some Call Traces in the syslog. When I run Diagnostics it just sits there and nothing downloads. Diagnostics is usually pretty quick. I grabbed the syslog and here it is. I'm not sure if there are other files that are needed that could help?


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27 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

You're having a problems with both the fix common problems and the S3 sleep plugins, the S3 plugin is a know issue with v6.4, remove both and reboot.



got it! but on the release notes i do see where is says to remove the S3 plugin but  it says to install FCP! can/should I install FCP after I remove both plugins and reboot or just not bother with FCP?

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from syslog, seeing a lot of them now.  do you happen to know what this means? (i'm trying to move files off the reiserFS disks so I can convert them to xfs).


Jan 22 16:53:09 Tower kernel: REISERFS warning (device md3): jdm-20002 reiserfs_xattr_get: Invalid hash for xattr (user.com.apple.quarantine) associated with [12665 12685 0x0 SD]


Also moving some files around in the disks, I'm getting this error:

mv: getting attribute 'user.com.apple.quarantine' of 'user.com.apple.quarantine': Input/output error

mv: getting attribute 'user.com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms' of 'user.com.apple.metadata:kMDItemWhereFroms': Input/output error

how do i fix these?

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ok. so fixed the attributes problem. i've now moved my disks from reiserFS to xfs (some of them encrypted), except for the wd 8tb which i will take out of the array. now i'm running into an issue with the assigned.devices plugin getting stuck intermittently. I was starting up the array and now it's hung with the array trying to start and "Mounting disks..." at the bottom of the screen. The syslog is attached ( I couldn't get a diagnostic) and the main error message is;

Jan 24 16:44:55 Tower nginx: 2018/01/24 16:44:55 [error] 5294#5294: *84506 upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "POST /plugins/unassigned.devices/UnassignedDevices.php HTTP/2.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock", host: "091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net", referrer: "https://091673bb5fb1dc42b44767e28426796bafe88ef4.unraid.net/Main"

Any idea how to get this working properly? Sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't. 


Second problem I've been having is that the system doesn't seem to reboot properly whether I issue the command via the GUI or whether I do it via ssh terminal. I suspect because of the problems causing the hang and I can't reboot cleanly? I end up having to hard reboot the system. 



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