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best amd build?


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While I haven't actually assembled my rig yet (I've got everything but the case - I'll have that tuesday) but I did a lot research before buying my components. A friend has an unRAID and has been helping, but his experience was different than mine because he already had most of the parts on hand. I had to buy just about everything.


I got a Foxconn A74ML-K motherboard and a Sempron 140 as the base. The mobo has 4 SATA ports, was really well priced, and seems to work well with the unRAID software. It seems the Sempron 140 is just about *the* PCU for unRAID and my friend uses it.


I got 1x2GB DDR2 RAM, a 4 port PCI SATA card, and a 750GB 7200 RPM HDD to round out the buy. I already have a PSU (350W), and some hard drives (1TB, 500GB, and two 250GB), and a friend gave me a couple 4in3 HDD cages. I'm going to get a generic case at a local computer recyclers - mine's going to be in a back closet so looks aren't important, and this shop has generic cases with 6 to 9 5.25" bays on the front for $5.


I think I've currently spent around $200-210 so far (not counting the unRAID license) and I'll have lots of room to grow. I'm going to hardwire it for now and will experiment with adding an N wireless later on.


So that's my build for now. I'll know exactly how it runs on Tuesday when the recyclers shop is open again :)

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Check your PSU requirements with one of the online calcs such as http://extreme.outervision.com/psucalculatorlite.jsp


350W seems a bit low from what I have read on this forum. When I was putting my rig together the PSU was the last item to be deliveed so I used a 350W I already had to get up and running and started; I got random problems like HDD dropping off the air and data transfers dying... all gone away now I have my Corsair 650 installed.


I'm no expert but it seems that the PSU is one item you do not want to "just make do with".


Good luck


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