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/var on tmpfs

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Would this be a time to consider /var on tmpfs.


My idea would be to modify the unraid initramfs startup script. (rc.M???)


Possibly rename /var to /var.d before anything starts.


mkdir /var

mount a tmpfs on /var

mv or rsync --remove-sent-files from /var.d/ to /var



The benefit of having /var on tmpfs is you can control the memory.

If /var fills up, the kernel does not crash.

tmpfs "can" be swapped out for unused blocks.


or you could put a callout in rc.M.

I notice that you source /var/tmp/ident.cfg

Perhaps an INITEXEC= would be a script to execute before anything possibly starts.

I see all sorts of initialization and restores going on here in the rc.M



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I'd like to only put /var/log onto a separate tmpfs because there are directories within /var that contain files critical to running, like /var/run and /var/local/...  I'm pretty sure it's only the log files that have potential of growing really large.

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I'd like to only put /var/log onto a separate tmpfs because there are directories within /var that contain files critical to running, like /var/run and /var/local/...  I'm pretty sure it's only the log files that have potential of growing really large.


If someone ever decides to do any kind of mailer it will use /var/spool.

I had this issue and had to mount a tmpfs there so exim would work. (it worked quite well too).

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