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first time setup, estimated 10 days to parity sync?


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This is my first time using unraid, and the estimated finish time seems crazy long: 10 days 3 hours 59 minutes.



I precleared 2x 4Tb drives and a 2Tb drive.  No smart issues on any.


I then set the parity to one of the 4Tb, added the other 4Tb and the 2Tb drive as data drives, then hit start.


It said that the parity was faulty and started the "Parity-Sync/Data-Rebuild in progress."  I thought that was a little odd since I'd done the preclear on all the drives, I would have thought that it would be smart enough to recognize the signature that the preclear put on and just start up in seconds.  (it's supposed to be 'even-based parity' and it should see that all the drives have been zero'd out, which is the point of pre-clear I thought)


Anyway, now it says that the estimated speed is 4.4 MB/sec,  It's stuck at 98.3 GB (2.5 %) and isn't really moving...


When I first started it (over 8 hours ago) it said that it estimated it would be done in 7-ish hours.  Doing 98Gb in 8+ hours is excessively slow.  I then thought maybe the fact that they weren't formatted was the problem, so I hit the 'format drives' checkbox and confirmed... but that seems to have done nothing (still shows as unmountable, no fs)


Should I reboot it?  What should I do?  only put one drive in at a time?  The Pre-clear showed only good things for all 3 drives.


Please advise,




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I couldn't remove the plugin or even shut it down (even shutdown -fr wouldn't shut it down?).  I eventually just hard-shutdown the computer.  After it came back up, I removed the plugin and then 'started' the array.


It's far past where it was (27% and counting) and it's making progress.  Thanks a lot for the help!

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