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NFS/iSCSI options for KVM


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Thinking of migrating my vmware instance of Plex over to KVM unraid, wondering if there are any other options besides NFS v3 for backend storage options.







Not sure I follow, looking to have the OS/Plex DB off the array on a external freenas server.  CPU and Memory used on the unraid server.


Oh, now I see.  Any reason why you don't want the Plex DB on the cache drive/pool or an unassigned device?  Would make things simpler to remove the freenas dependency.


I want my array drives for WORM media, freenas server is a better fit for random IO workload.  I also want redundancy and not waste drive bays on btrfs raid 1's. The cache drive i already have install is only 1TB and my plex server is almost 600GB with all the media indexing it has been doing.  I used NFS before with mixed results, iSCSI would be best but pretty sure that isnt built into the kernel at all :(


Yeah, that data doesn't belong on the array.  I'd use a couple of laptop harddrives in a BTRFS RAID-1 config but I understand the desirability of the freenas volume.  Unfortunately I'm not aware of any options than NFS to access the freenas volume, but I'm definitely not an expert.



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