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Crashing server :(

Henry Thomas

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C-States have nothing to do with VMs, also make sure besides disabling it in the bios you're using this, from the thread above:


On 17/01/2018 at 4:38 AM, ljm42 said:

If you are running Ryzen:

  •  Edit your \\tower\flash\config\go script (using a good editor like Notepad++ (not Notepad)) and add the "zenstates" command right before "emhttp", like this:
    /usr/local/sbin/zenstates --c6-disable
    /usr/local/sbin/emhttp &

     Also, go into your BIOS and disable "Global C-state control"




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It's been stable overnight. I am ripping a bluray now and I swear it's faster than with the SSD unplugged. I'm theorizing I had two issues - one the edit to the "go" file. Lessons learned - read the release notes carefully. I always do but I think when I processed that I translated it into "optional" or something because I've never had to edit a file like that on an incremental upgrade - ever. Second issue - flaky SSD. 


Is the cache drive supposed to be THAT much faster than a non-cache drive? I'm not using a stopwatch but I'm not noticing much or any difference. Perhaps that's due to the drive being flaky - OR is it because Ryzen has faster throughput to the array? Any thoughts? 

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