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New Build - HDD's don't show up via LSI card


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I've recently built a server and have installed unRaid (Trial atm) and i'm liking how it works. Right now i'm using one SSD and my flash media drive as my 4 HDDS that are connected to my LSI 9210-i8 card are not showing up as a drive on my system. My Motherboard Bios have been updated and my LSI card has been changed/ updated, to IT Mode as that is the way i want to use my HDD's atm.


Can any one help me with this issue? Is there a way i can tell my LSI Card is actually work with unRaid or is there a setting/ driver i need to install?


I would also like to add that these drives were from my old Windows PC. Would formatting them need to be done?

1 minute ago, Squid said:

Card is recognized by unRaid.  Are there drives attached to it?  Any chance you are using a reverse breakout cable instead of a forward breakout?

If there is such a thing where the same cable (That look the same) can have different functions, could be the issue.


If i were to install windows or use the boot option they show up. if you check the lsscsi.txt file under system they show up there


I've tried disabling and enabling that option. still nothing is working. Unless someone can confirm i somehow have the wrong cable would be great to know. I bought them off of ebay and it says nothing about forward or reverse. Just 36P to Sata 7Pin HDD Splitter cable. Reviews sad cable works.


There's a controller error when scanning disks, it can be the controller or some compatibility issue with your board:


Feb 17 15:39:37 XeonServer kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: scan devices: complete
Feb 17 15:39:38 XeonServer kernel: mpt2sas_cm0: fault_state(0x2622)!



Google that error, it may show some possible solutions or things to try.

9 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

There's a controller error when scanning disks, it can be the controller or some compatibility issue with your board:


Google that error, it may show some possible solutions or things to try.



I can't find any up right solutions sadly. I'm seeing things from running commands and arguments on start up. I found something about not using the latest firmware. I will say i had purchased 2 cards from this seller. The first one had no image/ firmware installed on it. I couldn't do anything with it. Maybe this one is bad too?!


Would downgrading the firmware help? as that is really all i know i can do.

2 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

I would first try the controller in another computer if you can.


I flashed it in another Computer. But i don't have a server setup if that matters. If i do this. What am i looking for? do i have to run unRaid on that PC too?

On 2/18/2018 at 2:58 PM, johnnie.black said:

You can boot with a trial unRAID key and just check if a disk is detected on the HBA.


it showed up as boot options like it does on my system. Again without an OS on my non server pc i can't really do anything with it.


So i tried something. i booted up unRaid without the HDDs attached. Hooked them up and check the System Devices in Settings. 1 showed up. Refresh another one showed up. Repeated that and 1 after 1 showed up until all 4 HDDs i have showed up under the SCSI Devices.




But they don't show up Array Devices. Then if i restart they don't show up.



With this method i was able to mount them AFTER installing "Dynamix SCSI Devices" i was able to format & mount them! Now after a reboot they don't show up. Maybe this is the fault error from before causing them not to show up?


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