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shfs killed due to OOM


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Since upgrading to 6.4.1, I've had a frequent issue with shfs being killed due to low memory. This causes all sorts of issues, namely the loss of /mnt/user/:

/bin/ls: cannot access '/mnt/user/': Transport endpoint is not connected

(I also have a docker container with a known memory leak, but I capped it's usage with Docker so it doesn't exceed 3GB)


The system I'm on has 16GB of RAM, but unraid has always seemed pretty light on it, rarely consuming a tenth of that in the past.


I would love to get to the bottom of why shfs is taking up so much memory, but in the mean time, is there a simple way to get the shares working again without a reboot?


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You can try this as it has eliminated the problem for a lot of folks:





I am not sure about the restarting of shfs  but I, personally would be reboot.  Whenever I get an error that cause me an issue (which has been very seldom with unRAID but I only run a basic NAS), I would reboot to guarantee that the system is working properly again. 

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You also might want to look at these two threads:






Normally, I don't recommend 'hijacking' another user's thread but, at least, you should be aware of them and monitor them to see if anything fits your situation.  


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