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PCIe Bus Error


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I recently replaced the motherboard on my unRAID server.  I initially was having difficulty with the system booting, which I believe was a result of a couple of PCIe 4 port SATA controllers.  After reading through the storage devices and controllers forum, I replaced these with an LSI Logic SAS 9207-8i controller and a 2 port SATA controller with an ASMEDIA chipset.  The system booted up promptly after this replacement and appears to be working normally.  However I noticed an error message in the log page (see attached screen shot) that references a PCIe Bus Error.  I am hoping someone in this forum can tell me the source of this error and, if needed, how to fix.  Diagnostics are attached to this message as well.  Thank you in advance for any assistance.



Tower log error.png


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