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SSD not showing as part of Cache Pool but storage total looks as though it is


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I had to replace my PS a few weeks back and with that came some new fans and rerouting of sata cables.  All cables were placed as they should be and mapped back to the original ports.  Now when my cache pool starts, it shows the full size of the pool and all vm's start fine, but the second drive shows as not mounted and can be mounted in the unassigned drives plugin.


Any thoughts?

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Both devices are still part of the pool, despite one of them being unassigned:


Data,single: Size:210.97GiB, Used:209.77GiB
   /dev/sdd1     102.00GiB
   /dev/sde1     108.97GiB

If you assign both devices does the pool not mount? if not post new diags after trying, but if there's any important data on the pool better to backup first just in case it gets worse.

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