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Recommended upgrade path from unRAID 5.x?


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Here is the Bible that many folks used:




The number of problems that you encounter is depend on how your ver 5.x server is configured.  If it is simple setup, it will probably be smooth.  Remember that none of your current plugins will work!!!!  (You would be best advised to wipe your flash drive and follow the WIKI carefully.  Be sure that you read the entire WIKI before you even start...)


It has now been some three years since the ver 6.x introduction and most folks upgraded within eighteen months.  There were many folks who had considerable insight into the solution of the problems that folks encountered.  Much of that knowledge has now faded.  So you are going to have to read the WIKI, go back to basic unRAID system and work forward to get to the point where you have your ver 5.x system today.  (I did notice that you didn't even tell us which version of 5.x you were on...)   You will have to post back if you run into any problems or issues.  Please start a new thread with a descriptive topic title for each one as that will allow those with some knowledge to spot your need for assistance!

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