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Unraid as access point(Hotspot)?


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There are a few topics on wifi on unraid. But none seem to give info on what I would like to know.


I got a motherboard with 3 ethernet controllers and 1 wifi controller.

I would like for the wifi controller to act as an access point for wireless devices.

I could create another VM which bridges the virtual network of unraid with wifi, but I find it a bit much creating a VM just for that. I could also connect an access point to one of my ethernet ports, but I am trying to reduce the amount of devices.

Is it possible to request a feature for unraid to support being an access point?


(I already have a pfsense VM, but because of drivers for freebsd does not exist for that controller, I cannot use it)

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Honestly, this is trying to get a device to do something that it was never designed to do, Unraid doesn't include any WiFi drivers afaik. 


If you're running pfsense as a router then get a proper WiFi access point, like Unifi, you won't regret it.


I'm not an employee of LimeTech but I'm like 100% sure this won't become an implemented feature.

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