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How to "force" unraid to use Eth1 instead of Eth0


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I have now completed the unraid box and would like to ask the following:


1. The onboard NIC is a Realtek. I have a leftover Intel NIC from my HP Microservers. Is it worthwhile to use this intel card as the primary ethernet? I was of the understanding that the intel chipset is favored over the Realtek ones.


2. If I unplug the network cable to the onboard nic and plug into the intel nic, unraid's ethernet connection is down. I cant ping it or access it. It looks like Unraid will only want to use Eth0. I confirm that unraid detected both nic because Eth1 is listed in Unraid tools/settings section.


Some help please? Thanks.

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On the Settings -> Network Settings page of the GUI there is a section close to the bottom titled Network Rules. It allows you to specify which NIC maps to which eth by means of its MAC address. So you could set your Intel NIC to eth0 and the Realtek one to eth1.

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10 hours ago, John_M said:

On the Settings -> Network Settings page of the GUI there is a section close to the bottom titled Network Rules. It allows you to specify which NIC maps to which eth by means of its MAC address. So you could set your Intel NIC to eth0 and the Realtek one to eth1.


Thanks John. This works like a charm! Cheers for this.

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