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Xbox 360 via WinXP media sharing is not working


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Has anyone successfully shared media files to an Xbox360 (direct file sharing, no transcoding)?


Here is my current set-up which is not entirely working:

1) Unraid hosts media files

2) A WinXP machine (named "Bob") has access to these media files (e.g. \\tower\media). Windows Media Player is configured to scan the network folder (\\tower\media) and share media files. I have also implemented the registry change to permit Media Player to enable remote content sharing. (http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/player/faq/sharing.mspx)

3) The Xbox is able to see "Bob" on the network. I navigate to "Bob" and I am able to navigate the directory structure of the \\tower\media folder.


Here's the problem: The XBox is seeing all the files as invalid and unplayable - everything from MP3 to JPG to WMV files. (Just to be clear, the Xbox360 was able to play all of these files when they were originally hosted locally on the WinXP "Bob" machine. Also, the WinXP "Bob" machine has no trouble with any of these files.)


Anyone have any ideas?

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