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[SOLVED] LZMA Data is Corrupt - 5.0.5

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I've had an unRaid server running for a couple years with no issues.  To be honest, never had to do much with it, it's been nice and stable.  Enough so that the wife's fine with me having it sitting in the house.


Recently we had to shut it down to move the power around and upon startup received the LZMA Data is Corrupt message.  I went ahead and attempted to copy everything off the key, but several items on there are corrupted and unable to be read, some tgz packages as well as (more worrisome), the bzroot file.


I went ahead and picked up a new usb drive, and I've scanned the memory a couple times.   It does seem to boot to a command prompt as well. 


My issue that I see is that the normal order of operations is to install a fresh 5.0.5 version on the key, and then copy over the files from the old key.  However, the earliest version I can get from the download is 6.3.5.  My guess is I need to get 5.0.5 from support, and then install it and copy over.  Is that accurate?  Or is there a way to go ahead and upgrade while recovering from this?  I'm not opposed to upgrading (in fact that's probably my next step once I get it up and running properly again), I've just been fine with it as it is...


I'd appreciate some validation of that plan, or if there's an alternative plan, I'm willing to go that route as well... Any thoughts?



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Thanks trurl, I've been looking things over and I think I should be able to figure things out, really appreciate it. 


I think this is the plan... Have a few questions I'm looking to verify or figure out...

  1. Reformat and reinstall on the new key (may as well go newest stable)
  2. Copy over the cfg files and Pro.key (and super.dat?)
  3. Plug it in and start...
    1. Verify things are up
    2. Run New Permissions

It seems honestly a bit too simple... Though I'm not worried about the plugins at the moment (I used umenu but honestly nothing I had running was vital), and in fact I'm actually excited to try them out after i get things going again.  The steps seem to be focused on what you do after getting the array back up, which I can deal with.



The super.dat file is a binary file.  It sounds like I'm doing a clean install, but with the additional files, and being able to salvage the disk assignments would be super (pun intended).  But the wiki notes that it should be copied only if I'm not doing a clean install.  Is that an issue, or is it okay since it's 5.0.5 version?


Secondly, are there any particular destructive (to the main array data) steps that I need to be prepared for?


Thanks again for the help!


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One thing that might be a problem is if you accidentally get a data disk assigned to parity. Copying super.dat should prevent that. When you start each of your data disks should show a filesystem (parity doesn't have a filesystem).


You shouldn't have to do New Permissions when coming from 5, but it won't hurt anything. You will have to get a replacement key for the new USB. See here:




You should use the V6 replacement procedure.

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That's all I have at the moment, thank you very much, I'll work through the process and come back with any more questions.  Thank you and to everyone else that has put so much effort into support and the wiki, I really appreciate it. 

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Thank you again for your help! I was able to get the server back up and running, and the data looks to be intact. There's still a lot of work to do with the new plugins and dockers, but the process was a lot more painless than I was thinking it would be. 


I did have to run the new permissions tool, as I had some file permissions set incorrectly in the array. But I had consistently had issues in 5.0.5 with file permissions, and this looks like it's solved those. 


Thanks again. 

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Now that you are up and stable, I'd start investigating the migration from ReiserFS to XFS. You will need enough empty space on the array the size of your largest data drive to migrate, so you may need to add or upgrade a drive to get started. Adding a new drive formatted as XFS is an excellent way to start.


ReiserFS is as dead as Hans Reiser's wife, so support for ReiserFS issues is pretty bad. Migrate as soon as you can.

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I saw several notes about it in the upgrade document and some of the other help texts.  They weren't as strongly worded as you put it, but point well taken.  ?  I'll be hopefully getting to that this weekend if we don't get wrapped up in family visitations.  I appreciate the suggestion! 


I've installed the CA and FCP addons, as well as a few others so far, but not much yet.  Lots to still do... Please do let me know if you have any other suggestions!

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