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Who wants to be the Budget Box posterchild?


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So I was thinking that it would be nice if we included some links to finished Budget Box builds in the wiki.  I would like to have one 'posterchild' that is the exact Budget Box configuration as described in the wiki, then we can also have some alternates that are close but not exact (different case, different drive cages, etc.).


We can also have different pictures for each of the international versions (currently US, UK, and AUS).


Please post your links and I'll add them to the wiki.  Or you can add them to the wiki yourself if you feel so inclined (anyone can edit it).  These can be links to the 'Pimp Your Rig' thread, somewhere else on these forums, or even your own photo album on some other site.


Believe it or not, I've never actually built a Budget Box exactly as it is outlined in the wiki.  My old server was close, but the case was different, the drives were all mounted internally, and I used a Promise TX4 instead of the SuperMicro AOC-SASLP-MV8 (since those weren't around when I built this one).

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Just updated my last post. I can take a lot more if needed. Close ups or whatever you think might be snazzy. I could take photos of even the locking Sata cables.  ;D


I'll take some updated photos with the correct colored cables since I'm not running a cache drive anymore unless you like the blue for the cache drive, which was an idea that I thought was decent.


PM if you need to and I'll get you anything I can do to help.

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I'm running pretty much by the budget box guidelines (minus the case, I'm using a Lian-Li I had spare). I don't have any add-on cards or drive cages yet, I'm still on basic for now, since I only have three hdds atm. I got 3 more hdds to drop in, but they are old ide drives, so I'm waiting on the plus upgrade for now. I'll be happy to post some pictures if you want me to Raj. Thanks.

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