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Missing Hard Drives after New Hard Drive Added


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Hi everyone,

I recently began experiencing an issue with my unRAID server and have been struggling to figure out what the cause may be.  I recently upgraded my system to version 6.5 from 4.7 - everything went very smoothly.  A parity check afterwards completed just fine without any errors.  

A couple of days ago I tried adding a new hard drive to my array.  After a reboot the new hard drive and one of my existing hard drives was not showing as available (e.g. missing within unRAID).  I've tried everything - from swapping SATA cables, to removing everything from the motherboard (SATA cards included) and only booting with the parity drive and one of the missing drives.  I also attempted reboots using different motherboard connections.  Neither of the two hard drives (old or new) shows as available within unRAID - only the parity.

I finally generated diagnostics for my system and and have attached them to this post.  In viewing the log file I am seeing kernel messages showing the following:

 kernel: md: import_slot: 8 missing
 kernel: md: import_slot: 10 missing
Has anyone ever experienced an issue like this before?  Can anyone suggest what I should look at next?

Thank you for any assistance!


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There's no SMART information for either disk8 or disk10 so as far as unRAID is concerned they don't exist. Since you've tried different cables and ports for both perhaps they are actually dead. Have you checked the power cables? Are they actually spinning? Do they have a power splitter in common (maybe you had to add a splitter in order to power the new disk)? Since you've disconnected your drives for troubleshooting try just connecting the two suspect ones to motherboard ports that you have already proved to work with other disks and see if they're recognised.

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Since you have eliminated everything else the only logical conclusion is drive failure. Are you able to test them one last time in another computer? The failure of a new drive after only a few hours use is not uncommon. It could have been damaged in transit so send that back for replacement. Did you do any form of testing on it before introducing it to the array? Had you had a chance to write any data to it? 


The failure of a second drive at the same time is extremely unlikely but coincidences do happen. Maybe it was zapped by static. Presumably this one has a lot of data on it. Do you have a backup?

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Both drives were working fine. I tested both before adding to the array. Drive it is older than the newly purchased drive 10. I wrote about 3TB of data to 10 and was able to view that the data was there.  I'm scratching my head on this, very strange.

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