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VMs no Longer See Tower or Shares


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This problem is likely a common occurrence with a simple answer but I could not find the answer on the forum.  I appologize in advance for such a simple question.


I have been using a Windows 10 VM and Windows 2012R2 VM for a while and now neither of them can see either the Tower nor the shares.  (My other computers on the network have the same issue with connecting to the Tower and its shares - except my Mac OSX computer).


Any ideas would be appreciated.


Thank you in advance.



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In the latest Windows updates Microsoft disabled smb1 which has the by-product of stopping network computers showing up under Network Neighbourhood.  Possible workarounds are to re-enable Smb1 or simply access unRAID using its IP address.   I think adding the unRAID server to the hosts file on the Windows machine also makes it accessible by name.

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