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Docker Network Settings missing BR0


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I have lost the ability to select br0 for my docker containers.  Below is the printout of the usual commands I have seen in other posts.  I have also already run 

rm /var/lib/docker/network/files/local-kv.db
/etc/rc.d/rc.docker restart

and have restarted unRaid 3 times.  I really really really would like to get br0 back so I can get my Plex and Splunk back up and running, so any help would be greatly appreciated.




Is bridging enabled on your network interface?

if not, br0 won't exist and you'll need to either turn it on or just use the custom network on eth0.


Yes it is.  For some weird reason I couldn't drop eth0 to only have eth0 and eth1 bonded without unraid losing all connection to the network, and I got tired of walking downstairs to pull the flashdrive to reset that file.  But I do have bridging set to on.

int 1.PNG




it just occurred to me - but why are you trying to create the docker network by hand? You can do it from the docker settings page. Turn on advanced view from the upper right corner, while making sure docker engine is stopped by disabling docker first.



Hmm, I will have to bookmark this for when this inevitably happens again with my luck.  I did see those options but got confused and didn't want to mess things up more with the issue I was having.    Thanks for the help though.


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