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Force all plugins to use [settings] -> [scheduler]


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I have several plugins installed to do different tasks at different times. 


Each plugin has a scheduler build in where i can set the time at which it performs its task. These schedulers don't appear in the [settings] -> [scheduler] tab.


This means that It's tricky to figure out what is happening, and when. Please force all plugins to use the [settings] -> [scheduler] tabs so all schedules are in one clearly visible place.


Plugins that schedule I have installed:


These do not add an entry in [settings] -> [scheduler]

- CA Auto turbo write

- CA Auto update Applications

- CA Backup / Restore Appdata

- Dynamix File Integrity
- Fix Common Problems

- Recycle Bin
- Tips and Tweeks

- User Scripts


These add an entry in [settings] -> [scheduler]

- (Parity check)

- (mover)

- Speedtest Command Line Tool

- Dynamix SSD TRIM

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