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Network issues with unraid


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I'm having some network issues with unraid. I've been testing various things as to why my server has been acting up over the network. Slow file transfers, dropped packets seen in ping. I've pinged and my router. It results in some high ping and sometimes even dropped packets. Today, I typed ifconfig and found this which has a worrying amount of dropped packets



I started investigating thinking it was a hardware issue. I put in a LIveCD of Ubuntu and ran a 500 ping test and got these results:


--- ping statistics ---
500 packets transmitted, 500 received, 0% packet loss, time 510942ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.141/0.263/4.299/0.184 ms


For comparison, when running the ping on unraid:


--- ping statistics ---
500 packets transmitted, 500 received, 0% packet loss, time 513011ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.149/1.479/189.961/12.208 ms


What I wound up doing after this was disabled VM and docker to at least see if bridging my connection to them was having any effect at all and this was the result:


--- ping statistics ---
500 packets transmitted, 500 received, 0% packet loss, time 511166ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.148/0.538/154.873/6.909 ms


I did a final test and did a ping with just unraid and no mounted array and got these results:


--- ping statistics ---
500 packets transmitted, 500 received, 0% packet loss, time 510983ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.161/0.252/0.557/0.041 ms


I'm not sure what this really means, or if it's a huge deal, but something's causing me to drop a ton of packets which is causing instability, slow network file transfer, intermittently slow internet downloads.


Other things I tried: 

  • Tried another computer
  • Tried another port on my router
  • Tried another cable


I appreciate any and all help. I will post all of my ping files and my diagnostics zip file to the post for anyone interested in looking.








It looks to me like the ping spikes only happen after turning the disk array on. I ran a few thousand pings when it was off and it all looked normal. The minute I turn it on and run a 500 ping test I get a > 600ms ping




I telnet'd into my router and ran a 500 ping test to and got the following results. While there was a spike it was only 36ms




Other things I have tried:

  • Bought all new cat6 cables
  • Tried a usb3 to ethernet adapter
  • Ran several ping tests from my dd-wrt router to
  • Changed ports the server was connected to on the router
  • Connected straight to modem


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  • 4 months later...

Wow, I see your post on reddit and it's getting way more traction than on here - sad.  I'm going to try to see what the difference is between onboard and PCI based NIC's I have in case there's something there.  My CPU seems good and I'm using all onboard SATA, but still getting weirdness.

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