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24 port D-Link Green Switch - $159.99 + free shipping after promo


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Hi mbryanr -


Thanks for the link! Is this switch good? How often do you have to cycle the power, or don't you have to power cycling at all?


One thing I noticed after reading review on switches, is that the end users have to do a lot of power cycling, and I don't want to do that.




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I have two D-Link DGS-2208's - and they have been great.  As far as power cycling - I've never had to cycle either.  I haven't tested with unRaid (yet), but with a Dell Latitude laptop (Windows XP) connected to a Dell SC440 (Running Ubuntu Server) I was getting anywhere from 55-62MB/s transfer speeds (faster to save over Ethernet than to my external USB hard drive).


Another one to look out for is the TRENDnet TEG-S50G http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833156250.  These go on sale periodically at NewEgg - about two weeks ago a friend picked one up for around $18.00 shipped.  While we haven't tested this yet (just built an unRaid server for him and are upgrading his workstation to Gigabit networking) - I can say that the build quality is excellent.  Very solid metal case, nice Link/ACT lights/indicators.  It may be worth it to read the reviews.

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Hi mbryanr -


Thanks for the link! Is this switch good? How often do you have to cycle the power, or don't you have to power cycling at all?


One thing I noticed after reading review on switches, is that the end users have to do a lot of power cycling, and I don't want to do that.





Nowadays this kind of switch is very sophisticated, i hardly heard there is a need for periodical power cycle.

i have two DGS-2206 and one DGS-2205, as far as i can recall, after i plug the power in, i never touch those switches

and they are working fine day and night without any issues.


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