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Feedback for my new build


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After watching the latest unraid video where linus installs the steamcache container for docker- I have finally committed to building a community gaming rig for my little tribe.  Most of the motivation is the pain I feel every time my brood brings their machines over for a gaming sesh.  I end up spending hours- troubleshooting, updating, and configuring- then barely get to play anything!  Drives me a little crazy- download 40GB of updates for everyone to be on the correct version- then figure out why XZY hardware/software isn't working.  I have run things like softxpand desktop to run 2 people on one machine but DRM doesn't like that setup very much.  I am on to a truly dedicated setup after watching several of the videos from the unraid community and linus. 


The plan:

Will run 6 machines if you include the host. 

1x Unraid- 2 CPU cores 4HT 2Gb RAM

1x Linux game server multi-host w/steamcache- 2 cores 4HT 8-12Gb RAM

4x windows 10 gamers- 2 cores 4HT each 12Gb RAM each


The hardware:

Corsair 740 Air case

Asrock Taichi X399

Threadripper 1920X

Corsair 64Gb 8x8Gb 2933Mhz

Evga CLC 280

Evga 1Kw gold PSU

4x Evga GTX 960 SSC 4Gb (had them already- probably upgrade to 2XXX series eventually)

2x Plextor 512Gb SSD

2x WD purple 3Tb


We aren't a finicky bunch- 1080p gaming with audio coming through our monitors is usually enough for us.  We play tons of different titles- old and new but usually avoid most of the AAA stuff until it's hit a steam sale.


7 days to die, dying light, TF2, No man's sky, Ark, borderlands games, L4D2, Warhammer Verminitde, Shadow warrior 2, far cry X, ect.....


Thoughts and advice appreciated- I have all my hardware except my CPU- somehow missed the awesome amazon sale that had the 1920x for just over 300!! Just looking for one under $400 to complete the build and try my luck with unraid.

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