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Unraid hangs after VM shutdown [6.4]


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Hey guys,


So I have been using unraid for nearly a year to run my personal home server which is used for data storage, VPN, plex and that sort of stuff and I have had 0 issues so far apart from some samba nonsense which was fixed quite quickly with a guide. Lately I decided to use my system to run a win10 vm to offload the encoding from my twitch stream from my gaming rig to it using an NDI plug in, anyways the vm works great and I have had no issues with performance but whenever I shut down the vm after streaming the entire system hangs after a few minutes. Net drives become unresponsive and I can access the web UI everywhere apart from the dashboard for some reason, at least initially then it becomes completely unresponsive. At which point I start a shutdown only for it to get stuck at diagnostics collection, left it running a full 12 hours but it was still stuck there so I had to hard reset.

I read it could be because I am passing through my GPU (GTX 1070) and using only VNC it is true that the issue does not occur. Any possible fixes?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know what files you need.


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