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unRaid and Popcornhour A-110 problem?!


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I have installed YAMJ on my unRaid:

1. YAMJ main index.html file is in the "Media" share I created on the unRaid server.

2. Created a share in my A-110 streamer to the unRaid server "Media" share.


Sometimes when drives are spun down and I try from the A-110 "Media Sources" page to access the share I get a timeout from the streamer and then when I try to access the "Media Sources" page again (in the streamer) I don't get them but instead I get the "Web Services" page instead.


Whatever I do I can't get to the "Media Sources" page again.

Even if I enter the "Setup / Network Share" page I get a timeout error (weird) !?


The only way to "fix" this is to restart the A-110 streamer.


Has someone else also experienced this? or has the A-110 to try and reproduce this?

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