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[6.5.3] slow array reads and CRC errors *SOLVED*


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Dear all,


I know this should not be placed here, but I do not know where else to put it, so please let me know if I need to move this thread.


OK to my observation. I have had great issues with my unRAID. Slow disks speeds loss of a partition resulting in 4TB of data, poof gone. and 4300+ RCR errors in rougly 72 hours. All of these errors was caused by a single SFF-8087 cable. Now I write this to help others as a preventive action. So if you see CRC-errors and or slow array speed it could be a SATA or SAS (if you use that in your setup). As these are relatively cheap, my suggestion is keep at least a fresh set in case you need to change.


Thats all. Have a great day... :)

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