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Harddrive still active even if spun-down?


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Hi everyone!


I have the Dynamix S3 Sleep plugin that doesn't always work. Sometimes, the log file says that there's still harddrive activity even if all my drives are spun-down. I have noticed that the plugin will only work if unraid doesn't report the Temp of the drive (the Temp column will show the * character). As soon as unraid can show the Temp, Dynamix S3 Sleep reports that my harddrive are still actives. 


Any idea why and what i should do to fix this issue?



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I have seen this condition also.  I haven't really assigned a reason/cause for it but I have a sneaking suspicion that it is somehow related to looking at the SMART properties of the disks. Obviously, the disk has to be accessed to get them but the mode of access seems to be different  depending the make/model of the disk. 

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I remember that on a old 6.x version of Unraid, the S3 Sleep plugin was working flawlessly. After an update, it was broken. So i don't know if Unraid have changed how he read the hdd info (SMART properties) and cause the disk to be in active state.


So is it considered a bug from Unraid or a bug from S3 Sleep? How i should ask for help?

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