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Unraid Plex Server not accessible via remote or direct playback


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I can't find a thread support for this in the docker containers area.

Was wondering if anyone can suggest anything that might be causing the following issue?


The Docker version I’m using is…

Plex Media Server
Official Plex Repository

Remote access is blocked. Direct access is also blocked on the network as I see a warning that I can’t access the plex server directly.

I’ve opened up the port in my router 32400 (UDP & TCP) to the port of my unraid server (
I’ve even tried DMZ’ing the unraid server to ensure the router was not blocking. And still nothing.

When editing the docker container it shows the following ports are mapped…
PlexMediaServerhost 1900, 3005, 8324, 32400, 32410, 32412, 32413, 32414, 32469

Any help appreciated.

Thank you

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