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HELP! Good Parity With Errors and Can't Access Data.


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Well, unfortunately, we had a power outage and UPS blew up on me and shut power off to my server.  Now the server shows all drives have good parity and data on drives, but 2 drives are showing significant read errors.  I've already tried running the parity check with writing corrections and it didn't help.  I am unable to access a large amount of data that I'm hoping I can somehow save.  I do show there being data on the drives but can't see the files when I browse them in the Tower GUI or in Windows Explorer.  I can really use some help on what to do here to recover the data and get the drives back to health.  I appreciate all advice!!  My log is attached for reference.


Thank you,



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Thanks for the feedback.  Yes, I updated the Unraid server version and make it current, then rebooted and everything seems to be working properly again.  Forgive my ignorance here, but with regard tot eh Marvell controller, is there a way to change this out in the server if I'm using an onboard controller that is Marvell based?  The mother board is pretty old in this machine.  

I appreciate it.


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