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Newbie, having slow parity-sync


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Hey everyone, I am totally new to unRaid, just installed the trial version.


I think I mostly figured things out and got them running, but my parity sync is REALLY slow, around 8MB/sec. Can someone have a look at my diags & see if I have something set wrong? I'm really not sure where to look for something lie this but I don't see anything obvious.  


This is in a Dell T620 with a flashed H310 controller. I have a 128GB SSD for cache on the mobo sata port. 8 drives connected to the H310, 6 - 2TB drives for storage and 2 - 3TB drives for parity.


If I set something up wrong, I'm fine wiping it at this point, I've just been playing around with it and would rather get this sorted before I go any further.






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