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unRAID v6.5.5 Running out of Memory


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Hello everyone!


The last two morning I've awoken to find that my one active VM (Ubuntu 16.04 running my mail server) has been stopped.


Looking through the logs I'm seeing the kernel reporting a "Out of Memory" condition and oom-killer being invoked to kill the process using the most memory, which happens to be qemu-system-x86 running my VM (timestamps Nov 26 23:43:01 and Nov 28 02:08:22).  Fix Common Problems also listed the memory issue.


Could someone review my diagnostics files and see what could be causing this?


Things I've changed recently:

Added a Observium docker

Remove and added MariaDB-NextCloud and NextCloud dockers and the respective appdata folders (troubleshooting why NextClould has stopped accepting my user login/password so I can't login)

Added booksonic docker on Nov 27, 2018


As of now I've stopped the Observium, MariaDB-NextCloud, and NextCloud dockers just in case one of these could be the source of the memory issue.


System Info:

unRAID OS PLUS v6.5.5, Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz, 8GB RAM, 17TB HDD Array

Installed Plugins are in listed in the diagnostics file and are all up to date.

Installed AddOns:  booksonic, LetsEncrypt, MariaDB, MariaDB-NextCloud, NextCloud, Observium, and PiHole also all up to date.


Thanks for the help!




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