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Ok Now I lost my GUI. What did I do? Help


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Ok So I made a few mistakes.. I think I messed up my USB drive of Unraid. I removed some SSD's that I decided not to use in the array or cache. This may have messed up the disks with parity. Though my parity was bad anyway and I was going to start a rebuild when I received two new 4TB drives. From a previous post I was told my parity drive has tons of errors. Can this be fixed?!?? 


Ran diagnostics and attached it. But you can see the errors below.


root@Tower:~# diagnostics
Starting diagnostics collection... mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/boot/logs’: Input/output error
ls: cannot access '/boot/EFI': Input/output error
ls: cannot access '/boot/System Volume Information': Input/output error
ls: cannot access '/boot/syslinux': Input/output error
ls: cannot access '/boot/preclear_reports': Input/output error
ls: cannot access '/boot/logs': Input/output error
ls: cannot access '/boot/config/ssl': Input/output error
ls: cannot access '/boot/config/plugins/dockerMan': Input/output error


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Ok I read the log and did a search and it looks like it was mounted read only. Now I'm getting:

Nov 30 20:23:45 Tower emhttpd: error: get_key_info, 591: Invalid argument (22): get_message: /boot/config/Pro2.key (-3)


a bunch of times in the syslog. I'm thinking I can just reformat the usb an recreate the array with the same config directory


attached syslog.


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Well it's been nice talking to myself in this thread :) 


I had an extra USB drive (Good reason to buy two!) and looks like it's all working again!


When the read only happens the config directory went all read only permissions also. So when I moved the files to the new usb stick the config files and folders were read-only so I scanned chkdsk in windows then change read only on all. Booted it up and still same issue! I had to actually remove the read-only on all sub folders  to get it to work. Windows wasn't removing that even though it pop's up saying change on files and folders. It did do all the files fine. I spot checked them.


Learning more and more as I use it!

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The error message sounds like you had a failing USB drive and you have solved it by switching to a new one?


I must admit I am a bit puzzled about your comment of the permissions needing changing?    The USB stick is FAT32 format so does not support normal Linux permissions.   However this could be a side-effect of the USB stick failing I suppose.  

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