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[6.6.5] cannot access anything unraid while on vpn


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Hey all,


Recently picked up an ubiquiti usg-pro-4 and decided to take advantage of the vpn setup and i got it up and running except for some reason i cannot access anything unraid related. Cannot get to my shares, cant get to the webui or any vm's on it.


Anything outside of unraid i can access fine though (Rdp'd into my gaming desktop now). They are all on the same subnet but something is keeping me out of unraid.


any ideas?



Edit: I think i am on to something but im not sure how to fix it (and safely).  My lan is 192.168.1.x and my VPN subnet is 172.17.100.x so i suspect unraid is blocking it because of that and somehow i need to add a rule to allow it?


edit2:  one of my dockers had a rule for


so i changed my vpn range to 172.18.1.x and i can get to most things now but i still cant access my shares (i can get to the unraid ui now) but i also cant get to qbitorrent ui (but ill look into its own settings)



edit3: I had my shares mapped by name and i tried by IP address and they work, so there must be some DNS issue. I can get to them though so im not too worried that its by IP.




Only outstanding issue (I might tackle the DNS issue later) is Qbitorrent UI. I have it in an ubuntu VM and it runs Torguard VPN software within the VM. I can only not access the Qbitorrent web ui when Torguard is connected. If i disconnect Torguard i can access the webui instantly. But again this behavior only occurs when i remotely connected to my home network via VPN, At home this is not an issue


no idea where to begin with this one

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