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Locking up when deleting masses of small files


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I had a folder set up as a Steam Cache, and it's got thousands of folders in it, and around a million files


I've now removed the docker and want to delete the files so i can remove the share (freeing up around 900GB), however, when i browse to the share and select / delete the files (via SMB), it always ends up timing out and locking up the entire server.  It does the same thing if i connect using FileZilla, it just keeps timing out and reconnecting, eventually locking up the server.


I keep checking the syslog and nothing useful is mentioned..


Any ideas as to why this would happen? I'm not sure the log would be much use, but ill post it when i get home.  My server is now showing as offline, and i can't connect via RDP to a VM. I suspect it will need rebooting. Other than this issue, the server is pretty much flawless.







Bit more info.  So the web interface isn't accessible at all, but the SMB shares are, and the dockers are up (pi-hole etc)


Filezilla keeps timing out over and over when trying to delete the files, and this also causes some dockers to hang (sabNZB)


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Some more info for anyone interested


It appears the issue here is the Seagate Archive  drive the Steam files are on.  I believe the cache on the drive is filling up, causing the entire array to stall


These drives are apparently fine for large media files, but crumble under many small files.  Lesson learned.  

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