mount unassigned disk in VM + unRaid

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Hi there


Is it possible to mount a unassigned disk in Win10 VM and in unRaid aswell?


Run a Win10 VM where i passed through a unassigned USB Disk from unraid to the VM with editing XML:

<disk type='block' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/>
      <source dev='/dev/disk/by-id/usb-SAMSUNG_HD403LJ_152D00539000-0:1'/>
      <target dev='hdd' bus='sata'/>
      <alias name='sata0-0-3'/>
      <address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='0' unit='3'/>

In Win 10 runs google backup and sync with destination to the USB Disk. Now, it would be nice to backup this into a destination in the array. I haven't tried yet to mount in unraid main. What would happen? Or is is just ok to do this?


Thanks for any advice.


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Hi again


I can answer myself. Maybe it helps others too. 


I mounted the disk in unRaid today. I see the content and can also open the files. When adding from a client that accesses via the unRaid share, the following situtaion shows up:


Add folder on client --> not visible in WIN 10 VM
Add files at Cleint --> visible in WIN 10 VM

Add folder in WIN 10 VM --> not visible on the client
Add files in WIN 10 VM --> not visible on the client


I'm still looking for a solution how to do Google Drive Sync with unRaid. The problem is that the google drive & sync tool doesn't synchronize to a network folder or a shortcut of it. The idea would be that all data is stored on unRaid and is backed up there. So everything would be central, secured and accessible from everyone who needs the data.


I gave up the following without success:

Rclone --> Connection speed not acceptable. (in Docker and in DEbian with Client)
OCAMLFUSE Google Drive --> did not synchronize correctly (in Docker and in DEbian with client)


Maybe someone else has an idea. Would be very grateful for that.


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