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Web interface bug while clearing a new drive


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I'm using unRAID 5.0 beta2 on my miniTower prototype server.  I added a new drive yesterday, and let unRAID clear it (it wasn't precleared).  When the clearing started, the web management page became totally unresponsive.  Reloading it wouldn't help either, it would just take forever and load nothing (though it never actually timed out, interestingly enough).  At first I figured the server crashed, so I telnetted in and rebooted.  I then tried it a second time - same result.  This time I just let it finish.  The drive was only a 250 GB, so the clearing went pretty fast.  Once the clearing finished the web interface was back to normal and let me format the drive and add it to the array.


I remember from previous versions of unRAID that during clearing the array would be unavailable, but the web interface would display progress updates (requiring manual refreshes).  Therefore, I would consider this a bug as it appears that the server crashes when a clear is started (even though the clearing is actually working just fine, it seems that only the web interface is crashing).


I've attached my latest syslog, but I can't remember if I rebooted a second time after discovering this bug.  If this syslog doesn't help you, I'm happy to remove the drive, run initconfig, parity sync, then add the drive again to initiate another clearing.  I can then capture the syslog and post it.  If you want me to, that is.


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