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Cache drive went down, unable to format


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Hi all,


Been lurking for awhile but this is my first post! Thrilled with UnRAID and wish I found it sooner. 6.7.0-rc7. Been running without issues until now. I've recently run into a problem where one of my cache drives went missing / disappeared while in use as I was converting my array to encrypted and I can't seem to bring it online. Was part of an Oracle F80 Flash Accelerator being used as a four drive pool in raid 10. One of them went down suddenly. Won't come backup. Can't format it with unassigned devices or as part of the array, mount it, even tried preclearing.


No go. Any ideas on how to bring it back to life? Not a cable issue since its a PCI card. The other 3 flash banks work fine. Have a fan solely for this card so it wasn't subject to excessive heat.


Its 'sim' in the screenshot attached, any ideas on how to bring it back to life? I've attached a screenshot the disk logs as well.


Thanks in advance. Cheers!

Screen Shot 2019-04-14 at 10.19.15 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-04-14 at 10.01.03 AM.png

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