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Parity Check Error


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Got this error last night from my unraid array. Never seen this before, I've had two real disk failures in the past few years but never this.


The Servers been up for 6 days or so, can't remember why I rebooted it - but it should have been cleanly. Regardless, none of the previous parity checks that happened showed errors, so this seems a bit odd.


Event: Unraid Parity check
Subject: Notice [UNRAID] - Parity check finished (1 errors)
Description: Duration: 17 hours, 29 seconds. Average speed: 32.7 MB/s
Importance: warning


Attached all the error logs from the Diagnostic tab


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Thanks Johnnie,


That'll be that then. I remember now, the cache disk filled up with a VM I had added and the mover got stuck - since put onto a new share with cache disabled. This is the first Parity check since the unclean shutdown so mystery solved - cheers !


I assume I can just carry on as normal now as the parity has been corrected ?


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