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"Start will start Parity-Sync and/or Data-Rebuild" - want to ensure a parity check, not a rebuild


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I was about to do a parity-check on my server but 2 drives on the same power adapted and SAS cable kept dropping out with a red X over them. The drives are not dead or appear faulty in anyway there just seemed to be a SAS cable issue.


Over the course of troubleshooting, I suppose I rebooted a few too many times because I can only add them back into their assignments now as "new devices". This brings up the "Start will start Parity-Sync and/or Data-Rebuild." message along side the start array button.


I wanted to do a parity check anyway, but do not want to correct detected errors incase there are other or more problems. I most certainly do not want to do a data rebuild of any kind is there a way to start the array without anything happening automatically and ensuring just a parity check without writing error correction?

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If 2 disks are disabled you can do a parity check, you can do a read check, but it won't check the disabled disks.


Alternatively, and if your are sure the disks are OK, you could do a new config to re-enable the disks, but likely there would be a few sync errors, so a correcting check should e done asap, but you could do one or more non correcting first.

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5 minutes ago, johnnie.black said:

If 2 disks are disabled you can do a parity check, you can do a read check, but it won't check the disabled disks.


Alternatively, and if your are sure the disks are OK, you could do a new config to re-enable the disks, but likely there would be a few sync errors, so a correcting check should e done asap, but you could do one or more non correcting first. 


I am certain the two disks are fine... I have actually never had a sync error in 7 years. For that reason, I'm trying to avoid any re-writing of anything.


I do have my old USB config backup from months ago, no hardware has been physically changed since then and UNRAID has not been upgraded... I am uncertain if I can just switch back like nothing happened.

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10 hours ago, johnnie.black said:

If you are sure the disks are all the same you can replace config/super.dat with the old one, though doing a new config and trusting parity will accomplish the same.


Thanks! I went with the old super.dat and that was very simple and worked. Parity check is about 3/4s of the way done but a few sync errors so far unfortunately (I stopped a previous parity check when the 2 disks dropped out maybe that caused a few). Will be changing all SAS cables and upgrading cpu and re-running anyway will be interesting to see if error count goes away or changes.



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