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Parity read errors during very slow rebuild


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Hello there! have a bit of a situation here and am unsure how to proceed. To start with a little information, this occurred while i was trying to get a disk to no longer be listed as "disabled" (from the very first part of https://wiki.unraid.net/UnRAID_Manual_-_FAQ). I followed the steps and once i started it back up and re-assigned the disk to the array, the rebuild started but now i appear to have hit some read errors from the Parity drive and the estimated speed had dropped to around 100KB/sec with an estimated finish of 2 years (certainly not ideal).

The parity appears to be giving some "reallocated sector" error/warnings which i wish i had picked up on prior to this disk replacement but here we are. I've looked through which files are on disk 7 (the one that i used the above steps to no longer be disabled) and it's nothing that can't be replaced, and it is the same size of drive as the parity and it is the only drive I would have available to replace it. So i am thinking my current bad scenario would be to lose what is stored on there and use this as the new parity if the current one has kicked the bucket, but am wondering what to do or how to do it.


This rebuild taking place does not appear to be going anywhere other than the errors line steadily climbing (Currently at 18k). How boned am I and/or what would you suggest? Due to the steps required for the drive replacement I unfortunately don't have a systemlog prior to shutting down but I have attached the diagnostics I was able to grab.


EDIT: Looks to have stopped at 33,000 errors on the parity and we're back to a ~11hr estimated finish at 150MB/sec


Edited by Skrie
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Here is the latest I just grabbed after the read check just finished. I believe there is an additional issue with the PCI sata expander because during last nights rebuild all 6 drives disconnected. I had to power down and restart which allowed 5 of the drives to re-appear but one of the drives is still listed as disabled (Luckily the least used one). I had checked the connection for the 6 drives that momentarily disconnected and all but 1 reconnected without issue.


I am now right back where I started, I have a disabled drive and a failing parity in a now unprotected array.

tower-diagnostics-20190926-1922 (Newest).zip

Edited by Skrie
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Disk 7 is "new" in the sense that it was bought/added the same time as disk 6. It was the only one that's plugged in to the pci expander that didn't reconnect and instead is listed as "disconnected". Since the parity is failing and disk 7 is not in use yet (disk 6 is only 50% full), what would be the best way/series of actions to replace the failing parity drive with disk 7? That was what I was hoping to do but when I had followed the steps to have it register again (stop array> power down> Disconnect> Restart array> Power down again> Reconnect drive> Power on) , the rebuild started and that's when the 6 drives disconnected halfway through. I need to figure out what is wrong with the pci expander and if that needs replacing, but would like to ensure the data is safe first.

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13 minutes ago, Skrie said:

Since the parity is failing and disk 7 is not in use yet (disk 6 is only 50% full), what would be the best way/series of actions to replace the failing parity drive with disk 7?

Tools -> New config -> keep all assignments except parity -> reassign disk7 as parity -> start array to begin parity sync

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Sorry when I say "Not in use" I mean that mostly, though it looks like some newer things have started being placed on it even though Disk 6 was still at 50% (Disconnected disk 7 is at 9% use). Now the data on there is not the end of the world to replace, but would the steps above lose those files? I had initially wanted it to be reconnected (again this is why I did the on off disconnect business previously mentioned) but that is when the pci expander appears to have failed.


Am I explaining this poorly? I apologize if I am, but very much appreciate your input.

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I have been searching around to find a way to move the files from this disk and am not sure what the best method to do so. One suggestion is using the docker "Krusader", is this one you are familiar with? Is there a way to reassign the data (that is available) from the disk7 to disk6 on the array without use of a docker, Or would that be the best method?

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