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Recently I've been having alot of issues with my old system locking up and I have to power cycle it.  Lately it's been happening so much that it sometimes doesn't get thru Parity check.  The old server is a regular PC and two 8 bay JBOD chassis connected via eSata.  The bandwidth bottlenecks are epic, parity rebuilds at about 20Mb/s.


I have just gotten a 24 bay Supermicro chassis.  Normally, I think you would just put the disks in, and then do new config and start the array.  With the unclean shutdown, can I still do this?  I realize I might loose a few files that were recently written but overall it should be ok, right?

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You are correct, thank you.  The new server saw all of the drives.  I just had alot of bad experiences when I had my old storage connected via USB 3.0, that I thought I was in for alot of trouble. 


New server is up and parity check is occurring, about twice as fast as the old server, so I'm pretty happy.


Thanks again.

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