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(SOLVED) Directory not readable by SMB - data is there if looking via the CLI


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Have a number of directories with data in, and i can't browse them via smb. I can browse them via CLI


I think the problem is because the directory names have a / in them (i put a date in the directory name of some of these) 


Loopmasters\ Laidback\ House\ (2642013)/

example above is what the file name looks like from the CLI and the square blocks are question marks which show as / in an SMB browser


How is best to get around this, is there a global way i can do a find in the share for any directory with a / in the name, and replace that with a hyphen or similar - and should that fix it?

Edited by rorton
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as an update, I've manually rename,ed a directory in the cli to remove the date and i can now read it, so that s the problem. I think removing all / could screw things up though


If its any easier, all the dates are contained in open and closed brackets - so i could remove the open and closed brackets and anything contained in them

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yeah its odd - after i renamed them all (and they all work) i just tried again to manually add a date like (23/10/2019) to the dir name, and i was able to do this (I'm on a Mac)


Looking at the share, it displays as expected, but then looking at what was created via the cli, it no longer has the / char, but : instead


Its many years since i created some of these directories, and im sure it was on a much older version of MAC OS - no idea if at the time, that just created the / char, or it was something to do with a different version of SMB, or if it used AFP - no idea. 


Either way, its all good - rename fixed it, and if i tried to enter / it replaces with :




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