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heartbeat probe

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I would like to be able to probe the unraid server to ascertain if it is up and running.  I had an instance last night where the unraid system crashed (darned if I know why, first time in 4 months) while It was being accessed by a Movie player to play a movie.  My system hung as the player became unresponsive and I am not sure if I can command it over IP while it is waiting for the current SMB command (fetch) to complete.  I did not suspect unRaid so it took me a while to figure it out.  Restarted unraid and all was well.  Ran a full parity check, no errors.


What would be the simplest command to send to unraid over IP to ascertain if it is "well"  I do not want to use ping as I suspect it might get answered even if unraid is dead. I guess I could just request the unraid menu, but is there something even simpler?

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If you want more information, try this.

Put these two lines in your "go" script:

echo "systat  stream  tcp    nowait  nobody  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/bin/strings /proc/mdcmd" >>/etc/inetd.conf

killall -HUP inetd


then, remotely try

telnet tower 11


Everything you wanted to know...


These are the basics... you can put any command you like to return any status you like as a "service"  ( I used the "systat" service, defined as port 11 in /etc/services, rather than defining one of my own in /etc/services.


Joe L.


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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to do a heartbeat probe right, you need to attach a monitoring device on your body to measure your BPM, and set a thermite charge over your hard drives so it will go off and melt through all the drives in succession.  Then you also need to think about a anti-tamper mechanism but I'm sure Joe can help you out with that. 

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