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Sync Errors

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Hi, I could sure use some help.

I have been upgrading my server with new drives over the past year and I am getting enormous number of sync errors.  Most recently I installed a new 8 TB Parity drive and 2 new 8TB data drives.  All pre-cleared 2 full cycles. Moved files from older 4 TB drives to 8 TB.  Ran sync.  Everything was okay. Copied some files (about 300GB) through thee cache drive. Moved the files then ran sync. Over 86,000 sync errors reported.   I shut the server down afterwards.

I have waited several days and just booted the server just over 1 hour ago. No files have been accessed no addition made to the server. After 256GB synced out of 8 TB there is over 600 sync errors and climbing steadily. 75% of my hours on all my drives is parity checks. Prior version of UnRaid 4.7 there wasn't a parity error for years. Since moving to UnRaid 6 series 6.4 & 6.5 I have had a constant barrage of sync errors. I thought it was a problem with the parity drive but that has been replaced and the problem persists. I also replace every disk drive cable. 


I have uploaded my hardware profile

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