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Mount NTFS drive to transfer data

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In my old server (Windows 10) I have an SSD that is specifically for the metadata for PLEX.   It's several hundred gigabytes (of VERY tiny files, as you may know).   Is it at ALL possible to MOUNT an NTFS drive in unRAID?   Even if just to transfer the data internally (instead of over the network, as I'm doing with the rest of my TBs of data) from one server to another, as I assume having unRAID LIVE with an NTFS drive would not be great.


Ultimately, I'd like to have this data end up back on this SSD drive as it's primary home, but as part of the array (in that it's duplicated).   


Of all the data I'm moving to the new unRAID server, this folder of PLEX metadata makes me the most nervous (It's got TONS of custom data and user watch data and the like, and given the millions of tiny files, I've had trouble copying this stuff before).    Would making a ZIP file first work?   Is there a ZIP equivalent on unRAID?

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